Sunday, April 15, 2012

doctor appointment

As if I didn't have enough to deal with after returning from Peru and finding new employment, but I had a cold that turned into a sinus infection.  My new school has a list of recommended doctors, so I went to one of them.  The only thing remarkable about the doctor's appointment, other than the fact that he put me on an antibiotic, was finding his office.  Like many addresses here, there is no street number.  I had the name of the street where the office is located and the name of a nearby cross street.  The landmark is the name of the pharmacy above which is located his office.  The only problem was the fact that the pharmacy had changed hands and had a new name!  Fortunately when I called to make the appointment, I spoke directly with the doctor who gave me the name of the new pharmacy.  He did, however, neglect to tell me that his office number no longer coincided with the office number listed outside the building and listed inside the building as well.  After waiting a while outside the office that I thought was his, which was locked and had an impenetrable gate-like door over the entry way, I decided to look around the corner and there lo and behold, was the office of the doctor with whom I had the appointment!  I keep having to remind myself that I should never assume anything!

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