Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Although Christmas is not a holiday that I observe, it was a special day today.  First of all, the 2 youngest children (ages 10 & 12) in the family with whom I live, slept last night on the floor in the hallway of the first floor (their bedrooms are upstairs) so that they would be able to see Papa Noel (Santa Claus) when he arrived.  Their mother, Olga, was able to hide a few gifts while they were sleeping so they never saw or heard Papa Noel.

My family (the family with whom I live) had extended family over for a big Christmas meal.  I enjoyed helping Olga in the kitchen; mostly I chopped and peeled vegetables, but it felt good to be participating in the preparations.  Altogether, there were 15 people--grandma, 3 aunts, 2 uncles, 4 cousins, my family of 5 and me.  Food was outstanding--turkey, tamales, rice, potatoes, ahi, mote, a salad made of beans, hearts of palm, peppers, corn.  Delicioso.   Lucho, the father of my family, made a toast & said some very kind, welcoming words to me, which I found to be very touching.  I feel so much more comfortable with my family in the almost 3 months that I have now been living here.  Early on I never thought it would be as it is now.  We've completely turned a corner & it's all for the good.  Yeah!

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