Saturday, December 3, 2011

good things seem to be happening

The best news is that my back is better.  Physical therapy really helps.  It shouldn't surprise me, but it does, that PT in Ecuador is basically the same as PT in Pittsfield!  And it works!

The last few days have felt like maybe I have a life here.  My one local Cuenca friend suggested that we go out to dinner last night, which I readily accepted.  While waiting outside of the school where I teach for the bus to take me to meet her, 5 of my students waited with me as they did not want me standing alone.  After waiting a while, 2 of my students, (young men in their 20's) said that they would drive me to the meeting place, which they did.  While talking to them in the car, I told them that my daughters will be visiting me the last 2 weeks of December & they offered to be our guides while Sarah & Rachel are here.  Having the transportation & knowledge of 2 locals will be fantastic.  I met my friend & we went to a lovely restaurant where I had one of the best meals I have eaten.  Although my Spanish is far from perfect & her English is not as good as my Spanish, we had no difficulty chatting about all kinds of things.  It was great and I am hopeful that we will have more good times together.

Today I went on an art tour with a group of gringos, which was really interesting.  We visited 3 different local artists at their studios.  Each was more fascinating than the next.  One works in glass, one in clay & paint, & one does water color.  I don't know which one I liked the best, but the young man who does the water color spoke with such eloquence and passion that I teared up listening to him.  His words were like poetry, as beautiful as his art work.  And another plus that happened was that I connected with another woman in the group.  We plan to get together for dinner some time, so maybe my social isolation is coming to an end.  That is all very good.  

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