Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still have to pinch myself to believe I´m here!

Of course I know I´m in Quito, but I really don´t believe it.  Español es en todas las partes (Spanish is everywhere) & I recognize more & more of my surroundings from when I was here 6 years ago, but in reality I am still in shock that I´ve actually done this and am back, but am so happy to be here.  It´s like I´ve come home. I love it!  Full of emotion yesterday.....I teared up on the Ecovia (the environmentally friendly trolley-like form of public transportation) as I passed the stadium & other places that I remember from the past.  I wonder when I´ll wake up from what feels like a dream.   

This morning José Antonio, the 12 year old grandson of Nancy, the wonderful woman with whom I´m staying, & I did a little shopping as it´s quite cold & I need some more warm clothes.  He escorted me & was extremely helpful and patient.  What 13 year old wants to go shopping with someone who is older than their grandmother & doesn´t even understand everything that he says?  I could tell immediately that he was bored & this was confirmed when I asked & he responded that he is always bored!  Typical!  I kept the shopping as brief as possible, but when we returned to the apartment, I couldn´t get my key to work in the door, nor could Jose´ Antonio. Oye!  So we were stuck for nearly an hour in a little vestibule on the 6th floor with little space & nothing to do.  Being 12, he showed me his acrobatic skills on the stairs & railing, which did not put me at ease because if he had fallen or hurt himself I felt that I would be responsible.  Eventually Nancy returned & she also had difficulty with the lock.  I now have a different key.

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