Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I could write this entirely in Spanish, but unfortunately a number of friends/followers wouldn´t be able to understand it & I don´t want to translate it.  Es lástima (It´s a shame.)  Last night I had dinner with my dear Spanish teacher, Javier, who helped me immensely with Spanish for several years up until 3 years ago when he returned to his home in Ecuador.  What a fabulous time we had last night--reiminiscing, laughing, talking about old times, etc.  He repeatedly told me how good my Spanish is (estoy de acuerdo [I agree!]), but I gave it back to him telling him what a good teacher he was.  I had a local specialty, cuy, (in other words, guinea pig).  It´s very good.  Kind of like chicken, but not.

1 comment:

  1. So...you've eaten a Guinea Pig, heh? How was it prepared? Was that in a restaurant?

    I remember watching Justine, one of the young travelers on Globe Trekker (PBS), sitting down to a meal with a Peruvian family to eat this. She, unfortunately, witnessed the animals being removed from the pen in which the family raised them. She said she couldn't get the sight of those adorable, fuzzy little faces with sad little eyes out of her mind. That didn't stop her from totally enjoying the roasted critter splayed out across her dinner plate.

    Was it like that for you? What sides are traditionally served with barbecued cuy?
