Sunday, September 25, 2011


Today I went with Nancy to see the pyramids in Cochasquí.  We took several buses & walked a great deal to get there.  Walking was hard (actually breathing was hard!) because it was uphill with a significant increase in altitude, but I did it!  Yeah!!  It was very interesting--pre-Inca.  We went on a tour with a guide, who of course spoke en español.  I didn´t understand as much as I would have liked, but got some of it & have to be patient with my comprehension.  This place seems to be a well-kept secret.  No one I know has been there & it´s not even in my Lonely Planet Guide Book.  The only other people with us on the tour were a local couple. 

In less than a week, I´ll be in Cuenca, my teaching & living destination.  Can´t wait!

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