Monday, January 16, 2012

A Visit to the Home of one of my ESL students from Pittsfield

This past Saturday I had the honor and pleasure of meeting some of the family members of one of my students from home.  My former student & I have been emailing & it took some doing to make the connection with his mother, who lives in Giron, about 40 minutes from Cuenca.  It has been 10 years since he has seen his mother, who shared with me, with tears streaming down her face, how hard it is for her to have him so far away and for so long.  She was very gracious and generous.  Almost as soon as we met each other she said that I would need boots because where she lives the ground is very wet.  We did buy boots & I learned that what she meant was that we would be climbing a hill that was wet from rain, had mud, and lots of cow pies.  I went up the hill with her when she moved her cows to a new grazing place.  She and her daughter, who had her baby strapped to her back, cooked cuy (guinea pig), which I have now eaten 4 times since I have been here.  It was a very special day for me and I believe a meaningful one for her, as I was able to talk to her about her son, whom she misses dearly.

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