Monday, May 21, 2012

another busy week

Last week began the 2nd half of the first cycle of my teaching at CEDEI.  It's amazing how much more relaxed and comfortable I am in this new endeavor.  It still requires many hours of prep, but at least now it seems manageable.  I also feel more a part of the school and have connected a little more with some of the teachers.  Being in the classroom is the fun, easy part, which no doubt is the payoff for all the preparation.

Moving from my job to the rest of my life, which in many respects is more important to me, Esperanza's daughter, Mayra, had been on a break from her job, which is in Gualaquiza, 6 hours south of here.  (She is a medical intern and it is a requirement that interns practice medicine in a rural part of the country for a year.)  So she was back home again and it's nice having her around.  She went back to Gualaquiza last Wednesday and Esperanza decided to go with her 5 days.  This means that I have had her house to myself, which I have really liked.   Since I pay for room and board, Esperanza arranged for me to eat at her friend Lia's restaurant, which is about a 3 minute walk from her house.  I know Lia as she is the one with whom Esperanza and I have gone to the 2 soccer games together.  Lia is a good cook and a very funny person.  I've had many a laugh, even to tears, with her.  I also know many people in her family, most of whom work at the restaurant, so it's very comfortable for me to go there to eat.  Lia's grandson, Julian, July for short, age 4, has become very attached to me.  He is usually at the restaurant and always welcomes me by yelling C-L-A-U-D-I-A when I enter.  I don't need to call attention to myself, but my entrance seems to be a big deal, caused by Julian.  (By the way, the name of the restaurant is July's!)  Lia told me that when I did not eat there on Friday night, July cried.  That's hard to imagine because it's difficult to visualize him crying.  He's a tough little chap, a bit chunky, full of energy, and VERY bright.  He knows how to read and talks non-stop.  He has also tried out lots of words in English with me!  Of course he speaks Spanish VERY fast so I miss a lot of what he says.  I don't think he's capable of slowing down.

I went again last Thursday to the animal market.  It was just as fascinating the 2nd time as the 1st time.  I could have taken many more photos, but used restraint, only taking a few.  Below is a picture of a pig that was no longer walking around, but ready to be sliced for lunch!

This past Friday night I went to hear the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra again.  I loved it.  They played Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Saint Saens, and others.  Then Saturday night I went to a jazz concert.  Yesterday, Sunday, I went with another woman, whom I'm getting to know who is here as a Peace Corps volunteer, to a resort-like place, where I had previously been, but she hadn't.  It took us 2 hours each way by bus, but worth it as we both like to swim and there is a lovely outdoor pool.  I swam 50 lengths, which I haven't done since January.  It was wonderful.  I did not take any photos there as at times the sky was gray and I didn't think I could capture what it looked like.  I was, however, amused at the bus station in Cuenca upon my return by the sign below:
Translation:  prohibited to enter (the bus station) with a goat, a bike, or a dog!

And one more photo, which I took on my daily walk, of the vegetables being delivered to a local shop, near where I live:

Never a dull moment!

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